China Global Newsletter

Since the 2000s, China has risen from being a minor player in global investment and finance to one of the most important. Chinese capital now flows to all corners of the globe into a range of sectors, including extractives, energy, manufacturing, agriculture, and infrastructure. With the increasingly important role that Chinese companies and banks play in investment projects around the world, it is crucial that local communities, civil society, and other stakeholders understand how Chinese actors operate overseas, their motivations, policies, and ways to engage them.

Inclusive Development International is raising awareness and discussion about developments related to China’s international investment and finance. We periodically publish a China Global Newsletter that contains educational material about the significance of new Chinese investments and impacts on human rights and the environment, as well as recommended reading material. 

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Past Editions of the Newsletter

Edition 9 | August 2024
Improving Accountability at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Edition 8 | May 2023
Chinese Investment in Myanmar After the Coup

Edition 7 | April 2023
What’s Next for China’s Belt and Road?

Edition 6 | September 2022
Regulating Chinese Overseas Investment and Finance

Edition 5 | December 2021
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Edition 4 | August 2021
China and Global Supply Chains: The Bauxite Industry

Edition 3 | March 2021
Taking Stock of the Belt and Road Initiative

Edition 2 | December 2020
China commits to go carbon neutral by 2060

Edition 1 | September 2020
COVID-19 and its Impacts on Chinese Overseas Investm