Aluminum industry watchdog ignored violations at Guinea mine

Last month, the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) granted provisional certification to the Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) mining operation in Sangaredi, Guinea. This certification wrongly suggests that bauxite ore sourced from the CBG mine qualifies as part of a responsible aluminum value chain, despite extensive evidence of the ongoing and unresolved human rights impacts […]

Court ruling halts mining project in North Sumatra

An administrative court in Jakarta has ruled in favor of local community representatives who are challenging the environmental permit for a controversial mining project in North Sumatra. Given the vulnerability of the area, which is one of the most active earthquake zones in the world, and the risk involved in the project, including plans to […]

Accountability Counsel and Inclusive Development International advise on new Chinese-led accountability mechanism for the mining sector

The Responsible Critical Mineral Initiative (RCI)—formerly known as the Responsible Cobalt Initiative—and the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC), announced in November 2022 that they are creating a new accountability mechanism for the mining sector covering environmental, social and human rights issues in mineral value chains. As the […]

Bank Dunia mengatakan tambang Sumatera Utara menimbulkan risiko “ekstrim”

DPM Field Office Dairi

Investigasi Bank Dunia telah menyimpulkan bahwa tambang seng dan timah yang sedang dikembangkan di Sumatera Utara, Indonesia oleh Dairi Prima Mineral, anak perusahaan dari China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction (NFC) menghadapkan komunitas sekitar dengan “risiko ekstrem” Yang menjadi perhatian khusus adalah bendungan tailing yang dirancang ini dimaksudkan untuk menyimpan produk sampingan beracun […]

World Bank watchdog says North Sumatra mine poses “extreme” risks

DPM Field Office Dairi

>> Read this release in Indonesian A World Bank investigation has concluded that a zinc and lead mine being developed in North Sumatra, Indonesia by Dairi Prima Mineral, a subsidiary of China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction (NFC), poses “extreme” risks to nearby communities. Of particular concern is a planned tailings dam meant […]

European Union: Rules for Batteries Should Cover Bauxite, Copper, Iron

Bauxite mining in Guinea

The European Union’s proposed batteries regulation should require importers and manufacturers to source the bauxite, copper, and iron used in batteries responsibly, a coalition of 16 organizations said today. The coalition includes Amnesty International, Earthworks, Finnwatch, Germanwatch, Human Rights Watch, Inclusive Development International, INKOTA, PowerShift, RAID, SOMO, and Transport & Environment, as well as human […]

Pengawas Bank Dunia akan meninjau proyek tambang Dairi Prima Mineral yang berisiko di Sumatra Utara

(Medan, Indonesia) Kantor akuntabilitas independen International Finance Corporation (IFC), yang merupakan anggota Grup Bank Dunia, akan menilai kepatuhan bank terhadap kebijakan lingkungan dan sosialnya sehubungan dengan keterkaitannya dengan proyek pertambangan kontroversial di Sumatra Utara, Indonesia, menurut laporan  terbaru dari Penasihat Kepatuhan Ombudsman. Tambang seng dan timah usulan Dairi Prima Mineral, yang terletak di salah satu […]